Partituras rancheras pdf
Partituras rancheras pdf

The following chapters focus on three groups of important representatives in this process at the encuentros: maestros (who are also workshop leaders) and their students, mestiza trovadoras (women poetess-singers) from Pánuco, and nahua musicians from Hidalgo. Encuentros, meetings or congresses, huapangueros, of practitioners of huapango, are open participatory concert-dance events, where elder tradition bearers, youth, cultural promoters, and community members gather to dance, sing, perform poetry and play Huastecan music at different festivals as part of this trans-local cultural scene, in festivals, such as, El Festival de la Huasteca, and La Fiesta Anual de Huapango Amatlán. This dissertation analyzes a complex and multifaceted Huastecan identity that is created and performed at encuentros huapangueros and how it relates to pluri-multicultural politics and policies of folklore in Mexico, through El Programa de Desarrollo Cultural de la Huasteca (hereafter referred to as the PDCH).

Partituras rancheras pdf